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Hard Rock 80     presse du 25 February 2008
Site: HardRock80 (www.hardrock80.com)
Date: 02/25/2008
Sujet: F.E.A.R.
Chroniqueur: Metalefice
Note : 8/10
La page Source: http://www.hardrock80.com/groupes/T...

There are reviews that are really pleasant to achieve. F.E.A.R. is one of these. You may wonder why... To answer this, many parameters have to be taken into account : discovering a gifted new band, the respect to the brilliant job done by the guys and the desire to share all this with you...

TOXXIC TOYZ is launching their debut album. They produced it by themselves. We may regret the timidity of the french labels as they have not included the band in their team yet. By the way, I haven’t told this already, our new friends come from the south of France. This is not obvious. Frankly speaking, should I have been told that they’d come from Sheffield or Newcastle, I wouldn’t have been surprised. Anyway, this doesn’t matter, let the music do the talking...

TOXXIC’s music is complex, sometimes tortured; quite technical though never boring, raw and very crafted. One can find some IRON MAIDEN’s epica (on Magic Kingdom, fon instance), a DEF LEPPARD-like freshness (I can tell you that Pretty Baby kicks! ) and also some kind of DEMON’s darkness (Killing Dreams) and SAXON’s spontaneousness (Love Sincere)...

Don’t believe that TOXXIC TOYZ have no proper identity! Thanks to the experience brought by these glorious pioneers, they have created their own universe. 100% Heavy Metal ! Based on talented musicians, their music is an excellent synthesis of european hard rock or heavy metal from the 80’s.

Just one regret, though. The record’s production is not highlighting the band’ potential. No reproach from me, I only find the sound a little low where I think something more shiny would have fit better. Nevertheless, the whole album is an excellent introduction to the band and will allow the boys to go further. I wish them so!

Please forget the meaningless reference to "french heavy metal", Metal knows no borders. And TOXXIC TOYZ prouves it so well!

To my opinion, TOXXIC TOYZ are the direct heirs of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal. No less.


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