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Album MUTATION     news du 6 August 2010

TOXXIC TOYZ is proud to present you their new album: MUTATION.

01. Bang 1.34
02. Racing the Clock 6.24
03. Chaos 7.40
04. Time for Action 7.30
05. Innocent Blood 6.34
06. Worth Gold 5.32
07. The Plague 7.25
The garden of always:
08. In the Garden 6.48
09. Reasons for Our Fall 5.20
10. Mutation 5.40

AVAILABLE on the web site of Nightmare Records.

AVAILABLE on the web site of AMAZON.COM.

Songs listenable on:
http://nightmarerecords.com (JPEG)

http://www.amazon.com (JPEG)




- Droits réservés - Webmasters : CPM & Katep - Web design : DEVINSY sarl, JP & Katep -